2023 PIMENTO Calls for STSM and ITC CG

2023 PIMENTO Calls for STSM and ITC CG

Dear Participant of CA 20128 PIMENTO,

One of the aims of our COST Action is to strengthen the existing networks and foster collaborations with other institutions.

For this purpose, the CA 20128 PIMENTO provides an offer of financial support for the mobility of participants to other organisations located in a different country for a specific work connected with one of the working groups (WG 2, 3, 4) to be carried out and for a determined period, known as a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM). Similarly, Virtual Mobility (VM) will be supported too.

Additionally, young scientists, by presenting their own work related to CA PIMENTO topics, are welcome to ask for financial support – ITC Conference Grant – intended for covering attendance at international science and technology conferences. In order to establish a network and increase the visibility of the CA 20128 PIMENTO, Dissemination Conference Grants are available to support participation in well-known international events.  

The announcement of these calls is displayed on the CA 20148 PIMENTO website: https://fermentedfoods.eu/open-calls/.

For more general information, please contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator, Zuzana Ciesarova (zuzana.ciesarova@nppc.sk); (grants@fermentedfoods.eu).