The COST Actions Yeast4Bio and Pimento are participating in a joint symposium at the 8th conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF8), which takes place in Cork, Ireland, June 5th – 8th 2023. This inter-COST symposium is an opportunity to disseminate research to the wider community. It will feature one keynote speaker from each Action, and short talks by COST ECRs (Early Career Researchers), selected from submitted abstracts.
There will also be a public engagement event related to yeast and fungi in food and biotechnology that Action members may wish to participate in. ECRs and PIs from the Actions are invited to register and submit abstracts to the conference. ECRs may apply for a PYFF8 bursary when submitting an abstract (some ring-fenced bursaries) or can apply for a conference grant from their Action.
The full meeting programme and registration details can be found on the meeting website.
It is possible to identify yourself as a member of the COST Action during the registration process.